Star Wars Clone Wars premier episode Water War started the season off right. Nothing like a huge epic battle to get people excited about the upcoming season. Not to mention the amazing under water graphics. Not being a computer graphics person I can still appreciate how amazing and tough it was to create an episode entirely under water.
The Characters
Ackbar was wonderfully introduced into the series. We learn a little bit more about him but, not too much keeping the character a nice mystery. Of course all the favorite characters returned notably is Ashoka. She has matured into a young woman and shows a level head even during battle yet; her fun interaction with Anakin still comes through. Tansom is a pretty evil shark dude not something you would want to run into in a battle. The most intense scene is when he is ramming himself against the tube trying to get at Ashoka and the prince.
The weapons used were pretty basic but, I liked the underwater vehicles they used to get around in. The Hydroid Medusa wasn't really that big of a deal to me they were just big and floated around a bit not that impressive. However, the Whirl Pool device was pretty awesome and it was creepy seeing bodies just whirl around the characters.
Great graphics!!! I never got bored with the whole underwater theme. It was dark, murky, and the battles underwater where well created. You could still see everything but, you knew you were still underwater.
What I liked:
* Ashoka she has matured and kicks butt in battle!
* Captian Ackbar he is just a classic character.
* Scary Shark Dude with seriously skinny legs.
What I didn't like:
* Less Stormtrooper action. I told you I like the Clones.
* Prince Lee-Chars I don't know he annoys me a bit.
* The Jelly Fish. I didn't really see a point to them they were big but,seemed to just float around.
I give this 4 out of 5 Indie Girl Stars